Energy Infrastructure by Asian Development Bank
To sustain India's growth graph in the medium and long-run requires commensurate increase in the supply of alternative forms of energy-electricity, nuclear, coal, oil, gas, as well as other fuels. Therefore, issues pertaining to energy security will continue to remain critical in India's journey to attain development, prosperity, and equity. The term energy security essentially implies that (i) energy systems should be geared to meet the demand of households-both urban and rural-and commercial users at all times; (ii) availability of all forms of energy required for the smooth functioning of the economy should be ensured; and (iii) energy should be available at a reasonable price. A related and critical issue is that any future policy has to promote cleaner and more efficient technologies, adequate pollution control mechanisms, and explore cleaner sources of energy, so as to minimize costs to society associated with producing or consuming energy. The volume focuses on policy issues aimed at ensuring continuous availability of different forms of energy at an appropriate price reflecting social costs as opposed to private costs.