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You're stronger than you think

You're stronger than you think

Most of us are unable to have time for daily exercises, planning diets and workout but at the same time we are concerned about our increasing weights.
The first reason being the absence of trainer, second being not having a perfect plan and the list goes on for not taking the first step...

This book YOU'RE STRINGER THAN YOU THINK is an ultimate guidebook of daily exercise plans for women to follow and to become a better version of themselves. This book is a part of THE NEW ME series.

It contains the workout plans of 13 weeks for women. I have been following this since 3 weeks and I feel energetic and light. Every exercise is explained well and pictures have been used for better understanding. Mistakes to be avoided are written separately to avoid any injury or make the understanding better for the reader. The beautiful and colourful quotes in between the book has added charm to it.

If you would ask me, I'm gonna recommend this to each and every girl and woman around me. This is a must have for sure.

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aarushi - April 25, 2022

workout is very necessory for eveyone

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