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Imagine yourself breathing deeply, sipping your cup of coffee while reading your favourite book, chatting endlessly with your favourite person, watching your favourite movie, working hard for your goal, isn't all the above things soothes your soul from within? 
That's how i felt while reading "A Slice of Life" by Smita Jain. Even the title have a deep meaning, life is in the little movement we live. Its an anthology of eighteen short stories which talks about different things and builds a different perspective towards it. All the stories are different, but the one thing which connects all of them, is "LIFE". Living and loving in the moment is very crucial,and that is the ethic of this book. It talks about literally every vital things like love, friendship, relationship. The way the author has shown the story of despair and loneliness behind every mask of happiness, it really made me rethink about my own.
The narrative style of the author is so simple and yet so alluring, it made me intriguing. Lucid language has been used taking beginners in consideration which felt so good. The cover of the book is so catchy showing all colours of life,I suppose,I loved that too. Looking forward to read more of the author's work. 
Please give it a shot, if you love reading about life and especially if you are into short stories. A highly recommended book from my side.
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